Instalanche Report – Saturday, July 19

There was a minor Instalanche today at SnarkyBytes.

From the damage path, I estimate an EI1.

For those of you unfamiliar with EI scale, it’s an enhancement of the standard Instalanche scale which is itself derived from tools used in assessing the damage from the Slashdot Effect.  In recent years, Investigators realized that the standard Instalanche model failed to account for differences in host quality and Internet backbone connectivity, so the Institute of Snark has developed the Enhanced Instalanche Scale to allow investigators to more accurately compare Instalanche damage between different sites.

EI1 – Warms up the server hard drives a little.

EI2 – Site starts to behave sluggishly.  Page reloads are intermittently delayed.

EI3 – Site page loads are consistently slowed.

EI4 – Intermittent blog unavailability.

EI5 – Total blog unavailability. 404 page not found or “website has exceeded bandwidth” message.

We at the Institute of Snark believe the Enhanced Instalanche Scale, since it’s based on actual damage, provides a more accurate standard of comparison of Instalanche events between sites than the hit count measure of the standard Instalanche scale.

In the screen shot below you can see when it hit, around 12:00 noon CDT.

I’m sure aftershocks will be felt through the weekend.  Thankfully it happened on Saturday.  If the Instalanche had occurred on a weekday it might have been much, much worse.

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