The right way to open a banana.

I’ve been doing it wrong. Take a lesson from monkeys and learn a better way to do it.

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0 Responses to The right way to open a banana.

  1. Bob S. says:

    Well, I’ve learned something new today so I am going back to bed and staying there.

    Great tip. I’ll have to see if it works that easy because I never knew the right way to open a banana either

  2. DirtCrashr says:

    I thought the right way to open a banana was from 50-feet with a 230grain FMJ.

  3. Noel says:

    “My whole adult life, I never knew the right way to open a banana.”

    I LOL’d. Thanks man.

  4. OrangeNeckInNY says:

    Geez, you guys have been doing it wrong for your entire lives? LOL. Just make sure when you open it from the tip like that, you toss out the seed that’s at the tip of the “meat”, because it’s bitter.