Vicious Circle 48 – Hoochie Monkey

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2 Responses to Vicious Circle 48 – Hoochie Monkey

  1. Bill Waites says:

    Just listened to last weeks VC, guess that makes me listener number 4; Western Australia, South Africa, somewhere else and me!!!

    Boomershoot’s Precision Rifle course is run by Major Gene Econ, ret. US Army Special Forces. Gene teaches the snipers at Fort Lewis who are attached the the Stryker Brigades. Last years coaches included Monte Milanuk, United States F Class, F/TR team, current World and US Champions and who served as a nuclear submariner, and John Hubbard, long time national levels coach and shooter for multiple service teams and also retired US Army. (If I recall correctly, he was also Special Forces, but I could be in error on that one!)

    This years coaches included Gen Econ, Monte Milanuk, and new coach Shawn….(name left out since he is still active duty). Shawn is a sniper who was wounded by direct fire in Afghanistan last September and is currently in rehab and physical therapy.

    No Marines in the group, though I’m sure all of those gentlemen would have been Marines that even the Marines could have been proud of!


  2. Tarb says:

    Hey Alan, you forgot to say WHERE to send the $19.95+shipping to. Oh boy! I can’t wait to have a Hoochie Monkey of my very own! It’s gonna be GREAT!
    As always, excellent work. Thanks for the continued mentions too, I always get a kick out of that! (Although not a tingle up my leg, thankfully). Hey, where are the pics of your giant walking tower of doom, that follows you everywhere and rains death and destruction at your whim? Or lifts you up or whatever… Anyways, I’m enjoying the VC’s and your blogging, keep it up mate!

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