You can have my bacon when you pry it from my cold dead hand

No, not my bacon!

Oh HELL no!

If the food police get their way, North Carolinians can kiss their country hams, bacon, and fresh Bright Leaf hot dogs goodbye. These Southern specialties might not disappear altogether, but, if the health agency’s crusade against salt is successful, they never will taste the same again.

The Washington Post reports that the Food and Drug Administration plans an unprecedented effort to reduce gradually Americans’ salt consumption.

In April, the Institute of Medicine advised the FDA to lower the recommended daily intake of sodium for individuals from 2,300 mg to 1,500 mg. It also recommended setting maximum legal limits on salt in all packaged and restaurant foods.

The plan is “to slowly ratchet down the sodium level, so people won’t notice the change,” said Christina DeWitt, a food scientist on the IOM advisory panel.

It’s also unclear how the FDA would treat bacon, another pork product heavily reliant on salt.

A story on salt regulation in The Philadelphia Inquirer suggested that the “FDA might mandate maximum amounts of sodium per serving in food categories — say, bacon — in 2015, then slightly less in 2018, and finally reaching the goal in 2024.”

OK, they’ve gone too far now. Keep your nanny state hands off my bacon!

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8 Responses to You can have my bacon when you pry it from my cold dead hand

  1. Lissa says:


  2. bluesun says:

    I wonder what it would take to raise pigs and make your own? I’ve got friends in both CO and MT that raise pigs…

  3. Borepatch says:

    These people are a damn menace.

    bluesun, you would need to buy from producers inside the state, otherwise it would be Interstate Commerce. Hell, they may claim it’s Interstate Commerce even then.

  4. bluesun says:

    What they don’t know can’t hurt them…

  5. Rob K says:

    Salt’s not even bad for you. The evidence actually linking it to hypertension is weak at best, much like the evidence linking saturated fat to heart disease.

  6. joe says:

    Actually, they’ve already ruled that it would be interstate commerce. I can’t put my fingers on the exact case at this moment, but there was a farmer who raised his own stuff (don’t remember what it was) and was fined or somesuch for not complying with some law. Their argument was that, since he would otherwise have had to buy the stuff, he affected interstate commerce by not buying it.

    Where’s Galt’s Gulch?

  7. Pop N Fresh says:

    Oh God no, please won’t someone think of the children!! remember the children, would you want your kids to grow up in a world without bacon, what would be the point……………..

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