Announcing: Vicious Circle – Live

The Ustream thing seems to work pretty good so I’m going to keep doing that from now on.  The MP3s will still be available for download either from the Vicious Circle website or iTunes.

The regular schedule is Friday at 8:00 pm central.

Go here to listen live.

This week’s topic:

Is there any real chance of privacy and information security in the Internet age?

As evidenced by the ongoing Wikileaks controversy not even the US government can keep it’s secrets any more. Social media is built on everyone knowing what you’re up to. Merchants and companies you do business with collect data about you and share it with each other.

Privacy is just an illusion caused by individuals living down in the noise of the masses of data collected every day. All it takes to shatter that illusion is for someone to take in interest in you.

Listen live as the mental giants of the GBC discuss this and other fascinating topics Friday night.

*VC is not safe for work.
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4 Responses to Announcing: Vicious Circle – Live

  1. Kevin Baker says:

    Listen live as the mental giants of the GBC discuss this and other fascinating topics Friday night.

    Yes, I’m sure there will be much discussion of hogs and cockflutes!

  2. bluesun says:

    The only way to be totally private is to move to northern canada and live on a frozen island…

  3. mike w. says:

    safe for work?

    Is VC, is not safe. period.

  4. DaddyBear says:

    Darn, and I was going to use one of Stingray or JayG’s rants to make a point in a presentation on Monday.

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