Tonight on BB&G!

Breda and Jay are talking concealed carry. Not gear, but the experience.

Tonight’s show is going to focus on CCW: your friendly hosts’ personal experiences, what you say when someone asks you why you carry, awesome dead goblin stories and your “first time” – we totally want to hear about that.

I’ve been carrying so long I don’t remember my first time, but I do remember my first time open carrying in public. No one even bothered to look at the gun, they were more distracted by something else.

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8 Responses to Tonight on BB&G!

  1. Eseell says:

    Was it the skirt?

  2. Jay G. says:

    I know I’ve been carrying longer than you, Alan… 😉

  3. alan says:

    I’ve been carrying since 1984. You been carrying since you were 13?

  4. Jay G. says:

    Ah. I forgot you weren’t a Texan…

  5. alan says:

    I’ve lived in Texas since 1974. I wasn’t born here but I got here as soon as I could.

  6. Pingback: Another Gun Blog: Heh

  7. Jay G. says:

    I thought Texas got concealed carry in 1995?

  8. alan says:

    Ran out of nested reply space, Jay

    Yes, Texas passed legislation for concealed carry permits in 1995. Do you really think no one carried before that?

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