How to make an iPhone icon for your blog

This post from Dan Dickinson is a great tutorial on how to create an icon for your iPhone users:

I remember, years ago, I was baffled by the little 16×16 icons that were showing up in my URL toolbar, and it took a surprising amount of searching to find out how to create one. I refuse to let this happen again.

So: if you want to make a custom icon for your website that will show up in the Springboard when a user makes a “webclip”, using their iPhone or iPod Touch, the dirt simple way is:

* Create a 57×57 PNG.
* Name it “apple-touch-icon.png”
* Throw it in the root folder of your website. (Not the root of your server, the root of your web documents.)

Here’s my primitive attempt at an icon for Snarky Bytes.

Snarky iPhone Icon

The iPhone makes it glossy and rounded so it doesn’t quite look as bad.

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