VC by the numbers

While I couldn’t sleep last night I started playing with the apache logs for VC. I’ve never really looked at the total DL numbers for Vicious Circle. Between direct downloads, iTunes and RSS it’s hard to keep track of them all. Fortunately the web server itself logs all the downloads. I ran the logs since the start of this year through a script that pulled out just the DL counts of each .mp3 file and threw it into a spreadsheet.

According to the server logs:

Since Jan 1st 2010, Vicious Circle has been downloaded 36,698 times. (All episodes)

Downloads by episode (Since 1/1/10) after the break.

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3 Responses to VC by the numbers

  1. Pingback: Linky Linky « weer'd world

  2. Breda says:


  3. Alan,

    I wait with bated breath for each new VC, but then, I’m a former Marine like yourself.

    In fact, my greatest ambition is to be a guest on VC, if only because of the fact that I could bring absolutely nothing to the debate!

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