Category Archives: politics
Yes, it is a liberal power grab.
Pulling back the curtain in this from David Harsanyi in the Denver Post: To paraphrase Obama’s chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, no serious crisis should ever go to waste. And this week it was reported that House Financial Services Committee … Continue reading
Get ready America. Here it comes.
Via 2A Musing, and Tam: DIsarming America is the #1 priority. Passing the bloated, pork laden, liberal power grab disguised as a “stimulus” bill is the #1 priority. The two go together hand in hand. Dock says it well: Hey … Continue reading
pdb has the right of it
Here. You idiots. A bunch of funny looking Austrians proved back in the 1930s that government can’t create wealth or jobs. It can only transfer them from place to place or group to group with a loss of efficiency in … Continue reading
The Pork Roll – Even worse than you thought.
Robert Samuelson, in the Washington Post: The decision by Obama and Democratic congressional leaders to load the stimulus with so many partisan projects is politically shrewd and economically suspect. The president’s claims of bipartisanship were mostly a sham, as he … Continue reading
Either Pelosi is a moron or she thinks you are.
From The New York Times: When Mrs. Pelosi was asked whether the vote — 244 to 188 without a single Republican’s approval — represented a failure on her part to advance President Obama’s desire for a broad bipartisan bill, she … Continue reading
Senator Coburn may oppose Holder
From The Right To Bear Arms: Sen. Tom Coburn said Thursday that he is likely to oppose President Barack Obama’s choice for attorney general because of his stand on Second Amendment rights. Holder is particularly odious to gun owners, but … Continue reading
Is Dissent Still Patriotic?
Via Russ Roberts: David Harsanyi, Denver Post Columnist asks, “Is dissent still patriotic?” Do all Americans truly have a yearning to fundamentally “remake” our nation? There must be a subversive minority out there that still believes the United States — … Continue reading
Why McCain lost
From the NY Times: Over the last three months, Mr. Obama has quietly consulted Mr. McCain about many of the new administration’s potential nominees to top national security jobs and about other issues — in one case relaying back a … Continue reading
Tell me again, who is the party of "the people"?
From The Washington Post: Nearly 100 wealthy families and power couples contributed at least $100,000 each to help Barack Obama over the past two years, creating an elite set of donors to whom the president-elect repeatedly turned in financing his … Continue reading
Oh, Were you really expecting a change?
From Reuters: Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said on Saturday Barack Obama had the “stench” of his predecessor as U.S. president and was at risk of being killed if he tries to change the American “empire.” I know, President Obama was … Continue reading