What the hell is wrong with spending less?

The Washington Post whines about Republican plans to cut taxes and “deprive the Treasury of more than $4 trillion.”

WaPo, you say that like it’s a bad thing.

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4 Responses to What the hell is wrong with spending less?

  1. Mike W says:

    Apparently they’ve forgotten just whose money that is.

  2. bluesun says:

    Makes me wonder how much of the WaPo’s budget comes from that $4 trillion.

  3. Borepatch says:

    Err, the question in the post title is rhetorical, right?

  4. Lissa says:

    “Deprive” the government.

    *sniff* Poor, poor widdle government. It just wants a widdle more. Just a widdle. *sniffle* Meanie teabaggers!!

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