Sarah: The Best Friend a RINO named Romney could ever have.
Of course, the Big Money Republitards and the MetroCons will be more than willing to Aid and Abet their DemiCommie “Friends across the Aisle” to destroy Mrs. Palin’s chances, all in the name of “Bipartisanship”, of course. After all, those “Tea Party Types” aren’t REAL Republicans, don’t you know?
Maybe the bus will stop at a shooting range and she can learn how to zero a rifle.
Sarah: The Best Friend a RINO named Romney could ever have.
Of course, the Big Money Republitards and the MetroCons will be more than willing to Aid and Abet their DemiCommie “Friends across the Aisle” to destroy Mrs. Palin’s chances, all in the name of “Bipartisanship”, of course. After all, those “Tea Party Types” aren’t REAL Republicans, don’t you know?