(WordPress ate this post… It was there earlier, then when I just checked, it was gone except for the first few words. Do you think zombies are eating it? – Alan)
I just had a most awesome Zombie Apocalypse dream
I was sniping zombies from a 3rd or 4th story window with a suppressed AR15.
It was daytime, but it wasn’t a full on “Omega Man” style target environment, more like 20% zombie with plenty of normal people out and about. Although I had a spotter with me, target selection was a challenge. You’d be surprised how much some otherwise normal people look like they might be zombies. (Or maybe not.)
I quickly ran out of .223, but switched to a .22 LR upper and kept going. Shooting zombies is remarkably fun.
Lessons learned:
1. Zombies are extremely sensitive to head shots. Any kind of bullet in the brain will take them out.
2. Be sure of your target. You can’t be sure it’s a zombie just because it walks funny.
3. No matter how much ammo you have, it’s not enough for a zombie apocalypse.