Who are you going to believe, me or your lying eyes?

The Lying Liars and their lies.

Joanna brings up something I’ve noticed the last few years.

The media seems to have taken Baghdad Bob as a role model, parroting the most outrageous lies as straight news.

If you tune in to CNN or MSNBC you can almost see the fear sweat on their faces as they uncritically read press releases they don’t understand, praying to a god they don’t believe in that they can get through one more day without the kid on the street announcing their nakedness.

Their moral relativism has made them incapable of discerning reality and the daily effort to keep the narrative going is starting to show the stress cracks of cognitive dissonance.

The MSM is rapidly approaching their “tanks in the background” moment.

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One Response to Who are you going to believe, me or your lying eyes?

  1. Jay G. says:


    The naivete, she’s so cute…

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