After the IDPA match this morning, I put a hundred rounds through my new XD .40 Sub Compact. I was surprised by the lack of felt recoil. I was expecting it to be much worse, but it didn’t feel much different than the standard XD .40.
The other surprise was how tight it grouped for a pistol with only two inches of rifling. I was easily shooting three inch groups at seven yards. I don’t do much better than that with the standard sized XD.
I like it, and it hides well under a t-shirt. If you didn’t know it was there, you’d have no idea. That’s the point, but it’s hard to hide a full sized pistol under a t-shirt. If you live somewhere where you can get away with a jacket in the summer then you might not need a sub compact, but if you’re in Texas, a jacket or even a vest in the summer screams “I’m carrying a gun!”