Author Archives: alan
Just one question.
Why does Obama’s certificate dated the 8th have a higher number than one dated the 11th? Seems they should be the other way around. Of course it could just be a plot to keep the birthers in a tizzy until … Continue reading
No, Verizon, I can’t hear you now
Hey Verizon, how come my LTE phone only gets 1xRTT today? Man, I’d hate to be whoever is responsible for this one.
Watch out Pittsburgh, here I come.
I’m packing for the great Gunblogger meetup in Pittsburgh. See you there! (or not)
Statcounter is spinning
Obama released his birth certificate and my statcounter is spinning. I guess people are looking for a comparison. UPDATE: Here’s an hourly chart. You can see the spike in interest.
A police state isn’t the answer
Recently an innocent homeowner had his door kicked in, was thrown down the stairs and called a child pornographer and a pedophile by the police. The homeowner was innocent. The response across the board has been, “Secure your WiFi or … Continue reading
Royal Wedding
At least they’re getting married. That’s more than I can say for most of the welfare recipients in this country.
Convention Time!
It turns out the NRA decided to have a convention in the same city as the 2011 Gunblogger Meetup in Pittsburgh. That’s the NRA for you, always trying to jump in front of the parade. See you there!
If Grocery Stores Were Like Schools
Don Boudreaux considers what it would be like if grocery stores were run like schools. Suppose that we were supplied with groceries in same way that we are supplied with K-12 education. Residents of each county would pay taxes on … Continue reading