Author Archives: alan
Of course it was a hoax!
Duh. Psychic = Hoax. Texas police were investigating whether a tip-off from a psychic about a mass grave containing dozens of dismembered bodies was in fact a hoax after an intense search found no bodies. This is my shocked face. … Continue reading
UN Says Internet a “Human Right”
Sorry UN, it isn’t. Nothing that requires someone else to do something is a right. A human right is something you have on a desert island, by yourself.
“Militarizing” the Police
Given the abysmal level of tactics and shooting skill demonstrated by the police, maybe they should take the time to copy more from the military than the fancy clothes and rifles. Things like shot placement and accuracy. Like not emptying … Continue reading
Obama’s lies about Chrysler fact checked. By the Washington Post.
The only thing interesting here is that it’s the Washington Post fact checking Obama and revealing the lies. What we found is one of the most misleading collections of assertions we have seen in a short presidential speech. Virtually every … Continue reading
That new blog smell
Is over at Mad Saint Jack’s new digs. Checkout the The Black Sunday Society. He’s already threatened to kill me once so it must be good, right?
Obama promises bailout for Greece
How about we bail ourselves out before we go promising bailouts to other countries?
Dept. Of Eduacation has SWAT?
Yeah, they do. And they’re busting down people’s doors over student loans. Can you say government out of control? Sure, I knew you could.
Loser party
The GOP is looking to cave on the the debt ceiling. GOP: The party of FAIL.
Plains Milky Way from Randy Halverson on Vimeo.