Author Archives: alan
What I’m reading
Just finished All Clear by Connie Willis. Starting Monster Hunter Alpha by Larry Correia.
Open Carry dead in Texas for now
HB 2756, the bill that would have allowed CHL holders to open carry didn’t make it to the calender for this session and is effectively dead. The bill was a long shot since the TSRA didn’t support it* and it … Continue reading
That much stupid should hurt
Tam serves up the stupid posers this morning. Damn. I know why they wore masks. I wouldn’t want anyone to know I was that dumb either.
Situational Awareness Win
Creepy guy is creepy, stalkee refuses victim role. There are a some of great lessons here. It can happen to anyone, anywhere, so pay attention. When that little voice tells you something is off, pay attention. Don’t rely on someone … Continue reading
Damn you BAEN!!!!
The ARC for Monster Hunter Alpha is available. That shit is like crack and BAEN knows it. So now I’m out $15. Sigh.
Texas Open Carry – Action Needed
If you live in Texas call your state representative and tell them to get moving on HB 2756. Time is short. If we can’t get this bill onto the floor by May 12th we wait until 2013 to try again.
QOTD: The new normal
“We ate brownies, got free tactical hats, giggled at kitty videos on the internet, rode up and down (& up and down) the escalators, carried a stuffed bunny around the exhibit hall…all while I carried a gun on my hip … Continue reading
Man with gun doesn’t terrorize park!
In fact, no one cared. So much for blood in the streets.
Stone Age Savages
Top advisors of Iran’s President Ahmadinejad have been accused of “being “magicians” and invoking djinns.” Close allies of Iran’s president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, have been accused of using supernatural powers to further his policies amid an increasingly bitter power struggle between … Continue reading
What happens when liberals get their way:
You get the paradise that is Detroit.