Category Archives: Snark
I must not be white…
…because I don’t like 90% of the stuff listed on this blog. Dinner parties… Nope. St. Patrick’s Day… No. Gay Friends… Don’t have any… That I know of. Outdoor Performance Clothes… No. Shorts… OK, yes on that one. The Wire… … Continue reading
Where's the foreign press on DC v. Heller?
Usually the foreign press is all over the evil Yanks and our unhealthy obsession with guns. But with all the coverage of DC v. Heller, I haven’t seen much from them. Are they just stunned into silence by what looks … Continue reading
DC Police Chief
Did anyone else notice that the DC Police Chief’s uniform looks like an army general’s uniform? It even has four stars on the epaulets.
None Of The Above in '08
I’ve added a “None Of The Above 08” to the top of my sidebar and it will stay there until the election in November. None of the current candidates are worth a bucket of warm spit.
Bad year for colds
For me at least. I woke up with a sore throat, and by mid day it was a full fledged severe cold, with all the fun that brings with it. Hopefully it will go away as fast as it arrived. … Continue reading
It's Election day in Texas
And more than ever, I want a spot on the ballot for “none of the above”. I’m so past trying to figure out which one I like. Now I’m just trying to go for which sucks the least. Even the … Continue reading
Snow at Casa de Snark
It was snowing a little last night when I put the dogs in the garage but it was still above freezing and I didn’t expect any of it to stick. This morning we have this. The streets are dry, but … Continue reading
It's time to cash that reality check.
Poor Prince Jefri. Seems he may have misappropriated billions of dollars into his own pockets when he was the finance minister of Brunei. One of his excuses? “My civil list [government allowance] is only $20,000 U.S. per month. You can’t … Continue reading
Tired of blowing stuff up?
John Birmingham says: “Sometimes, even blowing stuff up gets a bit wearying…? I Disagree. You can run out of stuff to blow up. You can run out of money to purchase the stuff to blow up stuff with. But tired … Continue reading
And I thought Texas had strange weather…
At LP Field in Nashville today. Snow: Then 15 minutes later Sun: All. Day. Long. Thirty minutes of snow, then a half hour of sunshine, then snow again.