Category Archives: Snark
Don’t Vote!
Lots of people are telling you to vote today. I’m gonna tell you not to. If you make more money from the government than you pay in taxes, don’t vote. (You shouldn’t be allowed to anyway, it’s a conflict of … Continue reading
Definition: franken
franken |’fra ng kən| verb 1. To recount votes until you “find” enough to win.
More Ballot “mistakes”
Why is it that the “mistakes” always benefit the Democrats?
I’m gonna start a pool on when DDT comes back.
Given the infestations in the liberal strongholds, I bet it won’t be long. I say before the 2012 election. Anyone want to make a bet?
You might be a Mall Ninja if…
If your wardrobe consists entirely of 5.11 then you might be a mall ninja. If you ever stood downrange while people were firing, you might be a mall ninja. If you own a drop leg holster, you might be a … Continue reading
On Training
Tam: Next thing you know, there’s video on YouTube showing some MOLLE-encrusted chiropodist from the ‘burbs pointing his picatinny-festooned AK clone at God and everybody as he puffs his way through some drill or another, and when someone points out … Continue reading
Happy Talk Like A Pirate Day
Since it’s TALK like a pirate day and not write like one day (can pirates write?) I’ll be avoiding all the “avasts”, “scurvys” and “ARGHs”. But even the MBP is getting into the act this year:
No, it was worse.
Barney is horrified (or wants you to be) that that the GOP thinks that Obama’s Inauguration was as bad as 9-11. Well he’s wrong. Obama has done FAR more damage to the US than Islamic terrorists did on 9/11. There’s … Continue reading
Leaving aside the question of whether “tolerance” is a good thing, when you attempt to organize opinion against someone you disagree with you forfeit the right to call yourself tolerant. You don’t get to have it both ways.